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Home » About Us » Private: Leadership » Primary Committee Guidelines

Revised July 2022
Primary and Standing Committee Flyer
Primary Committee Composition
Primary Committee Appointment Process
General Primary Committee Responsibilities
Volunteer Application Form

Important Deadline:  Applications must be submitted by September 1st of each year for the following year’s committees.


The Purpose of these Guidelines is to clarify the Arizona REALTORS® Primary Committees composition, appointment process and responsibilities to ensure that each Primary Committee continues to have qualified and diverse members. The Primary Committees are: 

Primary Committee Composition

Primary Committees shall be composed of the following:

  • Chair, who is appointed by the President for the President’s term in office and who will proceed to become the committee’s Immediate Past-Chair.
  • Vice-Chair, who is appointed by the President-Elect for the President-Elect’s term in office.
  • Immediate Past-Chair, who upon conclusion of the term will be removed from the committee and not eligible to be appointed as a Member-at-Large for a period of one year.
  • NAR Committee member(s) (willing to serve) during the term of their NAR appointment on the companion national committee as follows:
    • NAR Risk Management Committee for RMC
    • NAR REALTOR® Party Member Committee Involvement Committee for LPA
    • NAR Professional Development Committee for PBD
  • Arizona REALTORS® Hotline Attorney, who shall serve as a member of the RMC.
  • Legislative Committee, REALTORS® Issues Mobilization Committee and REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee Chairs (willing to serve) during their term as standing ex-officio voting members of LPA.
  • GRI Workgroup, Broker University and CRPM Advisory Board Chairs (willing to serve) during their term as standing ex-officio voting members of PBD.
  • Members-at-Large, no more than twelve (12) individuals whose service on a Primary Committee shall be limited to four (4) consecutive one year terms without a break in service of one year. Upon conclusion of a committee member’s fourth consecutive term, the member will not be eligible to be reappointed to the same Primary Committee for a period of one (1) year. However, if there are an insufficient number of applicants to replace a departing committee member, the one (1) year break in service requirement may be waived by the President for the year of service.
  • Executive Committee Liaisons – Each Primary Committee shall also have two (2) Executive Committee Liaisons appointed by the Arizona REALTORS® President for the President’s term in office. The Liaison to the committee is not a committee member, may not vote and is not counted in terms of establishing a quorum for the meeting – unless the Liaison is also a direct member of the committee. Executive Committee Liaisons serve as a resource to the primary committee and assist in decision making with a focus on the Arizona REALTORS® Strategic Plan.


Primary Committee Appointment Process

Primary Committee Application and Submission
Any REALTOR® Member seeking an appointment or reappointment to a Primary Committee shall complete and submit an online Arizona REALTORS® Committee Volunteer Application Form by September 1st in the year preceding the desired year of service. Members-at-large are not automatically reappointed to a committee.

Primary Committees Chair and Vice Chair Appointments (Arizona REALTORS® Bylaws – Article X)
The President, with cooperation of the President-elect, for their respective years in office, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, appoints the Primary Committee Chair and Vice Chair to serve for one-year terms. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Primary Committees.

Primary Committee Member-at-Large Appointments
The Primary Committee Vice-Chair, immediately prior to their term as Chair, shall review the Arizona REALTORS® Committee Volunteer Application Forms submitted by the September 1st deadline and select Members-at-Large to serve the following year. To the extent possible, each Primary Committee Chair shall use best efforts to ensure that: (1) their committee is served by at least one representative from each of the five regions; and (2) composition of the committee is representative of the general membership. In other words, committees should be representative geographically, broker/agent, large/medium/small brokerage, etc. While broad-based representation is desirable, this should not be construed as limiting the appointment of the most knowledgeable and competent individuals available to serve.

Primary Committee Member Removal/Vacancies
A committee member shall be automatically removed from a Primary Committee upon loss of real estate license and/or loss of Association membership. At the Chair’s discretion, a committee member may be removed from a Primary Committee upon two consecutive meeting absences. In the event of a vacancy: (1) a chair’s replacement will be selected by the current Arizona REALTORS® President; (2) a Vice-Chair’s replacement will be selected by the current Arizona REALTORS® President-Elect; (3) all other committee member vacancies may be filled as determined by the Chair. A replacement member will step into the role of the departing committee member and shall serve out the remainder of the departing committee member’s term.

Any exceptions necessary to ensure a Primary Committee has adequate qualified members may be approved by the President for the year of service.

Effective Date and Implementation 
These Guidelines became effective for the 2017 Primary Committee selection process. To implement the policy, the Primary Committee Chairs with the assistance of their Staff Liaisons, divided the current Primary Committee Members-at-Large into four groups and assigned them staggered terms based on their length of service on the Committee (i.e., Year 4 of 4, Year 3 or 4, Year 2 of 4, Year 1 of 4). Any question regarding the assigned terms were decided by the President. Once the Member-at-Large in these groups complete their assigned Year 4 of 4 term, they will be not be eligible for reappointment to the Primary Committee for a period of one year (but may be appointed to another Primary Committee, Standing Committee or workgroup).


General Primary Committee Responsibilities

 General Primary Committee Chair Responsibilities:

  • Present business plan and budget for approval with staff assistance
  • Chair all Primary Committee meetings
    • Work with staff to develop agendas
    • Meet with staff prior to each meeting, if necessary
    • Conduct committee meetings
    • Approve meeting minutes before distribution
  • Participate as a Member of the Arizona REALTORS® Executive Committee and Board of Directors
    • Attend the Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings
    • Present reports at each meeting and make any recommended motions
  • Attend Leadership Conference, if possible
  • Appoint Standing Committee Chairs pursuant to the applicable policies
  • Appoint Workgroup Chairs as needed

General Committee Member Responsibilities:

  • Attend all meetings or participate via teleconference when unable to attend in person
  • Notify staff as soon as possible if unable to attend a meeting
  • Review agenda and all relevant material before committee meetings
  • Respond to emails and other correspondence promptly
  • Make contributions during meetings and voice objective opinions on issues
  • Focus on the best interests of the state association rather than on personal or business interests
  • Act in good faith and in accordance with the best interest of the state association
  • Publicly disclose any conflicts of interest and comply with the Arizona REALTORS® Conflict of Interest Policy
