Ask Michelle – How can I find the date I must take my continuing education classes

As an accomplished author and attorney in the real estate industry, not to mention more than twenty years leading the association, CEO of Arizona REALTORS® Michelle Lind always invites members to send her the burning questions they have but were afraid to ask!
How can I find the date I must take my continuing education classes as I do not have a record of when I need to take them?
Your license renewal application must be submitted to the Arizona Department of Real Estate (ADRE) every two years. To renew your license, you must have taken 24 hours of ADRE-approved Continuing Education (CE) courses and entered the course information in the ADRE licensing website at prior to your license expiration/renewal date. Once you log in to the licensing site, select the option to record Continuing Education (CE) credits and enter the ADRE course numbers and dates of the CE classes you have taken. Your CE may be entered online at any time after you take the CE class; there is no need to wait until it is time for your license renewal.
The classes you have taken during the last two years will also show on the ADRE Public Database website at if you have entered the information.
Note: Of the 24 hours required for license renewal, you must obtain credit hours in each of the following subjects: 3 hours of Agency, Contract, Commissioner’s Standard, Disclosure, Fair Housing Real Estate Legal Issues and 6 hours of general real estate or other courses in the mandatory category that are not identical.
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