Contract Conversations

Have a quick question about the Arizona REALTORS® Residential Resale Purchase Contract, the Buyer’s Inspection Notice & Seller’s Response (BINSR), and other Arizona REALTORS® forms? Need information when you want it? Answers are just a click away!
Contract Conversations is a video series designed to provide a quick walk-through of the common Arizona REALTORS® contracts and related forms. Each contract or form will feature a break down of the form (or sections) for quick absorption.
Due Diligence
In this month’s Contract Conversation, watch Jim Sexton and Stacey Onnen discuss what could be the most important time during the real estate transaction.
Solar Addendum
Earlier this year, Arizona REALTORS® announced its latest form to join the extensive library of transaction forms; the Solar Addendum. In this month’s Contract Conversation, learn from Jon Kichen and Tara Rutkowski why the form was developed and what differences there are between this contract and the previously utilized Solar Lease / Solar Loan Assumption Addendum.
Exclusive Right to Sell
Managing Broker Mandy Neat and Designated Broker Susan Nicolson discuss the Residential Listing Contract Exclusive Right to Sell. Watch for tips and best practices, as well as highlights of the most important areas of the form.
Additional Clause Addendum
Arizona REALTORS® 2021 President Jan Leighton and Designated Broker Susan Nicolson discuss the Additional Clause Addendum. Watch for tips and best practices, as well as highlight the most useful areas of the form.
H.O.A. Condominium/Planned Community Addendum
Special guest Sally Ireland talks with Assistant CEO and General Counsel Scott Drucker about the HOA Addendum and highlights specific areas of the contract to be especially careful with during this special two-part series.
Part 1 (Video: 18:00)
Part 2 (Video: 12:00)
Real Estate Agency Disclosure & Election / aka READE FORM
Arizona REALTORS® Associate Counsel Nikki Salgat and Gerry Russell of Realty Executives discuss important elements of the READE/Agency form. The conversation includes extremely important information about dual agency as well as the Election section.
Buyer Contingency Addendum
Stephen Gomez of Real Living Properties For You & Arizona REALTORS® General Counsel Scott Drucker take a deep dive into the Buyer Contingency Addendum and provide some details on some of the more important elements of the form.
The Cure Notice
Pam Frestedt and Michael Hofstetter discuss when to use the AAR Cure Notice. (Video: 12:08)
What Is Curable? (Video: 12:08)
Cure Notice Basics (Video: 13:57)
Buyer’s Inspection Notice & Seller’s Response:
Laura Mance and John Mijac walk you through the BINSR, giving you tips and best practices to help make this part of the transaction as smooth as possible.
BINSR Part 1 (Video 7:15)
BINSR Part 2 (Video 6:00)
AAR Residential Resale Purchase Contract:
Join Jim Sexton and Stacey Onnen as they discuss sections of the contract with personal anecdotes, best practices.
Buyer Attachment & Property (Video 8:58)
Financing (Video 8:59)
Title & Escrow (Video 5:01)
Disclosure (Video 6:54)
Warranties (Video 5:05)
Due Diligence (Video 26:44)
Remedies (Video 7:46)
Additional Terms and Conditions (Video 11:37)
Seller Acceptance (Video 4:17)
AAR Vacant Land/Lot Purchase Contract:
Holly Mabery and Jan Leighton walk you through the vacant land purchase contract.
Attention Buyer & Property (Video: 14:28)
Disclosures (Video: 9:18)
Title and Escrow (Video: 8:47)
Financing (Video: 6:28)
Warranties (Video: 4:17)