Commercial Forms from AIR CRE Contracts
Commercial Members: Take Advantage of the Arizona REALTORS® and AIR CRE Agreement
Arizona REALTORS® members get the software application for FREE (a $600 value), plus 50 credits.
Once you have the app, you can select and make as many edits as you want during the negotiation process, with no fee. Once you are ready to execute a deal, credits are applied, based on the number of contracts that have been used. 50 free credits will give you the ability to execute a few transactions, and become familiar with the app and content, without any cost. If you have existing tokens from a previous version of the software you can call AIR CRE to have them transferred to your new software.
In other words, members will not incur any cost to download the software and access Arizona-specific commercial forms until after the member has used their 50 credits.
Once Arizona REALTORS® members have used up the 50 free credits, additional can be purchased directly via the app using a credit card, for a minimal cost of $3.00 per credit.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How long will 50 credits last me?
A1. Each contract has a certain number of credits associated with it ranging from 1-6 depending on the complexity of the contract. All lease and purchase agreements are 6 credit contracts.
Q2. Will I be charged additional credits if I have to modify a draft?
A2. No. A user can create and modify as many “DRAFT” versions of a contract as desired, only being charged the appropriate credits once a “FINAL” copy is created.
Q3. What if I already purchased AIR CRE Contracts? How does this new agreement affect me?
A3. If you already purchased the software, AIR CRE will still give you 50 additional credits.
Q4. What if I have a legal question about the verbiage in an AIR CRE commercial contract?
A4. You will have free access to AIR CRE’s attorney, Brian Mashian, via telephone at 310-207-1646 for contract related questions.
Q5. What if I need technical support?
A5. AIR CRE provides all sales and technical support via or 213-687-8777.