Alexa Joins the AZ REALTORS® Team!
Alexa tells you how
to add a Flash Briefing
A few weeks back, 2021 President Jan Leighton asked us to find someone who could join the effort to communicate the latest news and information from Arizona REALTORS®.
Yep, we hired ALEXA!
Now, each week we’ll be updating Alexa’s Flash Briefing with updates about forms and business tools, as well as events and classes.
Follow the directions below to find out how you can add our Flash Briefings to your virtual assistant.
How to add new skills to your Alexa-enabled device
Using your computer
1. Sign into your Amazon account and navigate to the Alexa Skills page on your Mac or PC.
2. Search for “Arizona Realtors” using the search bar at the top of your screen, browse the editor’s picks, or search via category in the left hand column.
3. Click on the skill you want to add, then click the button that says “Enable” on the next page.
How to add skills using your mobile device
1. Open the Alexa app on your iPhone or Android and tap the menu icon at the top-left.
2. Tap “Skills & Games” in the menu.
3. Tap the magnifying glass icon to search for the skill you want and enter “Arizona Realtors”.
4. Select the skill, then tap “ENABLE TO USE.”