Landlord May Hire a Property Manager After Lease Execution
FACTS: A landlord entered into an Arizona REALTORS® Residential Lease Agreement with a tenant. Two months later, the landlord realized she travels too much and wouldn’t be available to perform her duties as a landlord. She therefore decided to hire a property management company.
The landlord gave proper notice to the tenant that payments would now be collected by a property management company. The tenant refused to acknowledge the property management company and stated he would only make payments to the landlord, because that’s who he contracted with.
ISSUE: Can a tenant refuse to make payments to a property management company at the direction of the landlord?
Arizona courts have recognized an agency relationship between a broker and a client in a real estate transaction since the early 1900s. See Jenkins v. Irvin, 20 Ariz. 164, 178 P. 33 (1919). Therefore, the landlord has the ability to hire a property manager as her agent.
The landlord gave proper notice pursuant to page 6 of the lease. The lease has not been affected. Therefore, the tenant should now submit payment to the property manager as the Landlord has directed.
Note: The Arizona REALTORS® has a Notice to Tenant of New Management form available to notify the tenant of the new property management company.