President’s Update

The Arizona REALTORS® has been working diligently to ensure that members have the vital resources they need during the pandemic. The association’s governmental efforts were instrumental in the Governor classifying real estate as an “essential service” and moving up the effective date of the Remote Online Notarization statute to April 10th.
The association quickly created a dedicated webpage which is a compilation of the most up-to-date information to ensure the membership knows how to continue conducting business while safeguarding not only their health but the health and safety of their clients.

The Association drafted a COVID-19 Addendum and a Model certification for Property Access form was offered to the members for use. Additionally a flyer, “How Arizona REALTORS are Taking Precautions to Protect Buyers/Sellers During Pandemic,” was created as a companion to the Addendum. Both the Addendum and Flyer have been translated in Spanish. The Association has also created a consumer page for members to share with their clients.

Additionally, in an effort to help our members understand their financial options during the pandemic, we launched a new member benefit on April 22nd, our Covid-19 Relief Hotline. The hotline is available to all Arizona members, and is operated by our Legal Hotline firm. The Hotline is an overwhelming success and the attorneys are answering financial questions to help members navigate, and apply for, financial assistance programs ranging from small business loans to unemployment benefits.
The Association has hosted two Facebook webinars one on “Financing the Sale from a Lender Perspective” which covered the lending process, challenges and best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic; and “Taking Care of Business during the Coronavirus Pandemic” which included President Roberts, CEO Michelle Lind, Arizona REALTORS past president Paula Monthofer and representatives from the Escrow/Title and Mortgage communities. Plus, Lawrence Yun also presented an economic update to the membership via Facebook live.
The association held its first virtual Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings the week of April 13th, both of which were very successful. President Roberts is holding weekly video meetings with local association Presidents and staff is holding regular meetings with local AEs. Our online RAPAC auction raised over $55,000 and we have rescheduled our cancelled convention speakers for virtual presentations.
REALTORS® from around the state have really pulled together to offer support over the past few months.

Mary Roberts, CIPS, CRS, GRI
Realty Executives Lake Havasu
Destination Havasu, LLC