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Buyer Advisory – English

Form  updated: January 2025

Buyer Advisory – Spanish

Actualizado: Enero 2025


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If you know of any websites that you feel would be beneficial for the Buyer Advisory, please contact Jan Steward.

Content and website addresses (links) within the Buyer Advisory were up-to-date at the time of posting, but may change periodically without notice. If you find a link that is broken, please email Jamilla Brandt with the details.

REMINDER: This Advisory is supplemental to obtaining professional property inspections. Professional property inspections are absolutely essential; there is no practical substitute for a professional inspection as a measure to discover and investigate defects or shortcomings in a property.

Revisions as of January 2025:

  • Content on page 11 was revised to include a new category from ADRE: Topics to Research Before Purchasing Real Estate. 
  • Web addresses (links) throughout the Advisory were reviewed and if necessary, replaced.    

REALTORS®: To ensure that your clients receive only the latest version of the Buyer Advisory, we recommend that you copy the link below and paste it into an email to your client. When your client clicks this link, they will automatically read the current version on file.


(NOTE: Not all PDF readers are created equal. If you are having trouble clicking on hotlinks in PDFs, you may need to open the file in a more robust program. For example, iPad users might invest in an app such as Goodreader or iAnnotate.)


Buyer Acknowledgment & Disclaimer

Buyer acknowledges that there may be other disclosure issues of concern not listed in this Advisory. Buyer is responsible for making all necessary inquiries and consulting the appropriate persons or entities prior to the purchase of any property.

The information in this Advisory is provided with the understanding that it is not intended as legal or other professional services or advice. These materials have been prepared for general informational purposes only. The information and links contained herein may not be updated or revised for accuracy. If you have any additional questions or need advice, please contact your own lawyer or other professional representative.

Buyer Advisory in Spanish

Consultor de comprador


El comprador reconoce que puede haber otras divulgaciones importantes que no aparezcan en esta Guía de Asesoría. El comprador tiene la responsabilidad de hacer todas las averiguaciones necesarias y consultar con las personas o entidades pertinentes antes de realizar la compra de cualquier propiedad.

Esta Guía de Asesoría se suministra con el entendimiento que estos consejos no constituyen servicios o consejos legales o de peritos. Estos materiales se han preparado únicamente como información general. La información y los enlaces que contiene esta Guía no pueden actualizarse ni revisarse para verificar su exactitud. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta adicional o necesita asesoría profesional, por favor contacte a un abogado u otro profesional de su elección.

Descargo de responsabilidad

Este documento ha sido traducido del idioma inglés al idioma español. Se proporciona esta traducción con el entendimiento expreso de que la Arizona Association of REALTORS® (“AAR”) no está prestando el consejo o servicios legales ni otro consejo o servicios profesionales. La AAR no hace ninguna exposición respecto a la exactitud o lo completo de la información contenido en esto y expresamente niega toda responsabilidad de cualquier pérdida o daño relacionado con el uso de esta traducción.

Translation Disclaimer

This document has been translated from the English language to the Spanish language. This translation is provided with the express understanding that the Arizona Association of REALTORS®  is not rendering legal or other professional services or advice. The Arizona Association of REALTORS® makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and expressly disclaims all liability for any damage or loss related to the use of this translation.

Page updated: January 2025