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Since 1960, AAR has been providing Arizona college students with funds to attend college. To date, AAR has helped more than 170 students with scholarships. (To see the entire list of scholarship recipients, click here).

Scholarship recipients must meet the following criteria to apply for funds:

  • Be a full time student for the semester in which the scholarship is awarded;
  • Must have a GPA of at least 2.5 during the required 15 previous semester hours;
  • Must be an Arizona resident; and
  • Must provide AAR with recipient’s biographical data. 


Arizona Association of REALTORS® Real Estate Education Scholarship

AAR currently offers scholarships at the following four Arizona schools:

Les Arie Memorial Scholarship. The Les Arie Memorial Scholarship is available to second-year students majoring in real estate or business at one of the Maricopa Community Colleges. Details are here.

In addition to the scholarships listed above, AAR has also established two endowments. They are:

Ed Thirkhill Memorial Endowment, Arizona State University

This endowment was created in memorial of AAR Past President Ed Thirkhill. This awards $1,600 annually to an ASU graduate student who:

  • Is an Arizona resident;
  • Has a minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.5; and
  • Have six credits in real estate from ASU.

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Arizona Real Estate Professorship Endowment, Arizona State University

This endowment is used to assist funding the director positions for the Business’ Real Estate Center. 

History of the Arizona Association of REALTORS® Scholarship Fund:

The association’s Arizona Real Estate Educational Foundation (Foundation), a 501 (c)(3) subsidiary, was dissolved in 1990. The Foundation had completed its work as envisioned when formed in the late 1960’s.

An endowment fund to support a professorship in real estate in the ASU college of business was established by the Foundation in 1982 for a five-year period, and in August 1983, the Foundation agreed to continue contributions to the fund until a minimum balance of $200,000 was achieved.  The holder of the professorship was chosen by the University to teach real estate courses, develop a curriculum for the program, and actively pursue research program that will be recognized for its scholarly contribution to real estate knowledge.  The professor was also expected to work with local, state, and national real estate associations to enhance the professionalism and knowledge of those involved in the Arizona real estate industry and to work with the Director of the Arizona Real Estate Center to promote the continued development of the Arizona real estate industry.  Dr. Jay Butler held the professorship at ASU until he retired in 2011.  The endowment is still held by ASU.

Upon the dissolution of the Foundation and upon the death of AAR past president, Ed Thirkhill, a memorial scholarship endowment was established at ASU. Additionally, the Les Arie Scholarship Award endowment was established through the Arizona Community College Board (Board) to be used in Maricopa County. In 2003, the Board was sunset by the state of Arizona. The administration of the Les Arie Memorial Scholarship was then moved to the Maricopa Community Colleges Foundation.

With remaining Foundation funds, AAR also established scholarships at four (4) community colleges outside Maricopa County with the remaining funds. Each was endowed at $11,000. The criteria established by the Foundation requires the recipient to be a full time student for the semester in which the scholarship is awarded; have a GPA of at least 2.5 during the required 15 previous semester hours; be an Arizona resident, and provide AAR with the recipient’s biographical data. The amount of the scholarship and method of selection is at the discretion of the institution. The scholarships were established at:

  • Mohave Community College, Kingman, AZ
  • Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ
  • Yavapai College, Prescott, AZ
  • Northland Pioneer College, Holbrook, AZ