RAPAC A Powerful Political Force in Arizona…The “Mystery” of Funding
There are three critical components for effective political influence…focused advocacy (support of specific legislative issues), grassroots involvement (individuals working at the local level on political issues), and funding. The Arizona Association of REALTORS®(AAR) has approached the “funding” component by establishing the REALTORS®of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC) and the REALTORS®Issues Mobilization Committee (RIMC). It is important that every REALTOR®understands the purpose of and unique difference between these two important funding activities: RAPAC funds are for candidates; RIMC funds are for issues.
REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC)
RAPAC is a voluntary, nonprofit, unincorporated group that allows REALTOR®members to collectively and effectively participate in political affairs. RAPAC is not affiliated with any political party and is non-partisan in its support of candidates.
Where does your RAPAC money go?
RAPAC funds are used to contribute to individual campaigns with the candidate’s knowledge, and/or for independent expenditures on behalf of a candidate without the candidates’ knowledge. Out of every dollar contributed, 70 cents remains in Arizona for state and local races and 30 cents is forwarded to the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®Political Action Committee (RPAC) for federal races. Contributions must be by personal check or personal credit card. Corporate funds cannot be used.
What happens to the 70 cents that stays in Arizona?
Twenty (20) cents can be used by your local association to support local candidates and 50 cents is used by AAR to support state candidates. After your local association meets its annual fundraising goal, 50 cents per dollar is retained for local use.
Our key successes at the legislature are due to RAPAC contributions working with lobbying efforts.
REALTORS® Issues Mobilization Committee (RIMC)
Issues Mobilization is a tool to help support your community issues financially. The RIMC seeks to improve public policy by encouraging and stimulating REALTORS®and others to take a more active and effective role in governmental decision-making and the legislative process, and assists local associations in the organization of their own committees. RIMC monies are used for programs such as postcard campaigns; local board issues; newspaper, radio and TV ads; forums; educational print materials; ballot measure campaigns; and grassroots lobbying activities. Simply, RIMC monies are used to influence issue outcomes vs. individual election outcomes.
Where does your RIMC money go?
Funds are raised primarily through direct donations from members and corporate entities. Contributions can be by personal or corporate check or credit card. 25 cents of every dollar raised is retained for local association use up to a limit of $100,000 per local association, and 75 cents is retained for statewide use.
Thanks to RIMC, we successfully supported a “YES” campaign for Proposition 100. This important legislation will protect the rights of private property throughout Arizona against double-taxation from any real estate transfer tax.
RIMC funds have also been deployed successfully in home owner insurance reforms, hiring water attorneys to defend property owners’ rights to display for sale signs in their yards in HOAs, protecting Arizona’s water from legal challenges by adjacent states and opposing real estate and professional service taxes. RIMC has racked up a number of successes for the benefit of REALTORS®and their clients.
Your dollars make a difference in every election! Protect your profession by supporting RAPAC and RIMC – the greatest real estate investments you can make!